Dear Person,
I am writing in complaint of the learning in my school. We have to learn about Romeo & Juliet. Soon, I will loose all my false knowledge about this CHEESY play. When somebody says "Romeo & Juliet" I think of this line " Romeo, Romeo, let down thy hair". I know this is wrong, but I like this because it is completely off the subject and I REALLY DONT GIVE A CRAP ABOUT LEARNING ABOUT SOME RETARD COUPLE 600 YEARS AGO!!!!! I know, I know, maybe once I read the WHOLE GOD DAMN THING I will like it. But I don't think so. Because they talk like this " hallo, your breast is thy sweet sweet rose, giveth of thy scent of must and thy dearest wife" so some shit like that. Really? Shaspeare, I think (wish) your day was over. Now, it's my turn to cross over to the dark side.
Thanks you,
your breast is thy sweet? wtf? shakespeare must have been a creep to write that line. lol luna. love you! (NOT IN THAT WAY!)